Hi 你好, I am Yuning!

I am currently pursuing Master of Information Science (UX & HCI) at Cornell University. In 2023, I got my Bachelor degree in Mathematics from the University of Texas at Austin. As a problem solver transitioning from the field of mathematics to UX design, the journey has been remarkable!

During my undergraduate, I found my keen interest in figuring out what people really need and pinpointing those pain points in a user research class. More than dealing with data using math, I want to connect with users on a more empathetic level, understand their stories, and ask the right questions to uncover the deeper causes behind those objective facts. Also, the opportunity to employ my creative energies in brainstorming design solutions that may come true is exhilarating!

My interdisciplinary background in UX and a bit of data analysis and development enable me to approach projects with an open mindset and collaborate effectively with diverse teams. I am excited to explore boldly together, bring joyful experiences to people, make a real impact, and contribute to societal well-being!

Feel free to drop me a line or two at yz3227@cornell.edu or Linkedin, I am excited to connect! ^_^

Outside of Work & Study, you will find me ……


Exploring the beauty of nature is always a delightful adventure!


I want to support underprivileged groups and advocate for a more equitable society.


As a K-pop enthusiast, I love practicing and creating dance videos with my crew!


I am excited to foster a more interconnected community!


There’s a unique peace in drawing for me. I aim to freely express myself and someday share the joy of art with others.

Thank you for coming over my website! Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, opportunities, or if you simply wish to chat. I’m eager to connect!
You can reach out to me via:
Email: yz3227@cornell.edu
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