Assurant AI ChatBot

Next-Generation Claims Experience


The traditional processes of filing claims, heavily dependent on phone and live chat customer services, are riddled with inefficiencies. These range from high operational costs to inconsistencies in the quality of service provided, which not only burden the insurant company’s resources but also negatively impact the overall customer experience. In light of the evolving landscape of the insurance industry, Assurant partnered with the Cornell team to redesign their claims filing process integrating generative AI. The aim is to improve the user experience during the claim filing process, boost Assurant’s KPIs, and strengthen its competitive edge in the insurance market.

A Taste of Final Solution

A Taste of Problem Statement

Design Objective 1
Address Critical User Complaints of XXX under the Constraints of XXX
Design Objective 2
Smooth, Simple and Engaged Experience

A Taste of Ideation

Design Objective 1
Address Critical User Complaints of XXX under the Constraints of XXX
Redesign the user flow and strategically integrate generative AI to streamline process efficiency.
Design Objective 2
Smooth, Simple and Engaged Experience
Use intuitive buttons to minimize typing, reducing cognitive load (e.g. yes/no buttons instead of typing).
The projected is protected by NDA, please feel free to contact me if you want to know more or simply want to chat :)!

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